Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lacie with Icecream

Hi again, my I am in a crafting mood, this is the third card in five days, I am impressed even with myself........ Due to unforseen circumstances, the card I put up for doing last Monday couldn't be done due to a broken punch, I have ordered more punches so we will do that one next Monday........see previous post!!  On Monday night we did Bouganvillea and I was very impressed with the quality of your cards you all did a great job (should have taken pics)  Anyway, enough rambling here is a Jo Manning image that I have just finished, love her images they are sooooo cute.......Here is Lacie with icecream and doesn't she look as if she is enjoying it?
Love Jenni


Marie Richardson said...

Hey Jenni, thanks for the lovely comment about my neverending card. Suprisingly it really is quite simple. I found the tutourial on youtube. I just typed in neverending card and the video i watched is on this link
Thanks again
Marie xx

Anonymous said...

So pretty Jenni!xx

Carol Southern said...

What a gorgeous card Jenni, beautiful.

Mrs.B said...

Lovely card Jenni. Had a mooch around you blog, some very clever cards!
Avril B