Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blog award

I recieved this cute blog award from Angela view her blog here!! Thanks so much Angela, your blog is amazing......the way you colour your images is superb!!
I was thrilled to have it sent to me as you know I am so new at all this, the rules of the award is that it is to be forwarded to 10 people, I am going to be struggling to find 10 but will try my best.

1. Marion
2.Patti Jo
3. Nicola
4. Jodi

As I find more I will add them I promise!!


Pretty-In-Ink said...

Awwww! That's so sweet of you!
Thank you so much!
Nicola xx

Angela said...

I just love seeing your creations!! And I wanted to send you some love your way to keep on creating!!!! Can't wait till your next creation!! Hope you are doing well!!!

Patti Jo said...

How nice Jenni!!! So appreciate the award! You are too kind!!! Lovely work on your Magnolia! Oh-oh, another addiction!!!!

Jodie from Oz said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful award, I appreciate it very much, you are so kind. I am sorry & again running behind this week. I hope to post this over the weekend. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs Jodie from Oz