Sunday, March 13, 2011


Here is the card for this week's lesson......sorry to be so late but I have been really busy and very worried about my son in Japan........he and his family are fine thank God they live a long long way from the epicentre, but now of course we are worried about the nuclear reactors, some tv reports have said that if they go, half of Japan will be contaminated, others say it is under control and no need to worry, but of course that is what we Mum's do best isn't it? I have been overwhelmed with the amount of messages, phone calls from interstate and from England, plus text messages and emails, I didn't realise I had so many good friends that would show their concern......My son has asked that we send him small clip on Koalas so that he can send them to day care centres in the worst hit areas, some of these children were in daycare at the time and are safe but have lost all their family in one sad blow, it breaks my heart to think of it.

Anyway here is this weeks card, poppies, an easy flower to make but difficult to display I found

See you tomorrow
Jenni xxxx


Anonymous said...

So beautiful as always Jenni. I do hope your son is okay - I can imagine how worried you must be. I have been so upset watching the news and it feels as if there's one disaster after another lately. xxxx

Mrs.B said...

Great flowers again.
Hope everything is OK for your son. Watching these disasters on TV and seeing the devastation caused, is so upsetting and for you with family there - well, you wouldn't be a Mum if you didn't worry.
Take care.
Avril xx

Katie Berberich Handmade said...

Jenni I have been hooked on the news since it all happened and I can't tell you just how much it has affected me. I can't begin to think how you are feeling right now. Like you say, you hear one thing and then another and you don't know what to believe. After seeing the tragic footage on tv, I just cant seem to shift it from my mind and my heart and soul goes out to everyone affected by this absolute horriffic disaster.
Sending you huge hugs and wishing for a miracle.
Katie x

Carol Southern said...

Lovely card Jenni.
So glad your family are OK and hope it stays that way. I was thinking of you too.
I'm away at present and only getting internet access briefly.