Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Or should I say Happy New Decade? this has been an amazing time for looking back and remembering, so many things have happened to most people in the last ten years....What will happen in the next ten? I have three new Granddaughters which has brightened my life considerably, I have seen my husband have quadruple bypass surgery and recover.......My youngest boy got married to a wonderful girl and is very happy with his two daughters, my eldest boy got married, divorced and remarried now to a lovely girl and is finally happy with a new daughter......I lost my Mum.....looking back on all the triumphs and tragedies I have worked out that it is true what they say, live every day as if it's your last and enjoy every second of this one life that we get, you never know what is round the corner!!  A very SAFE, Happy and HEALTHY New Year to all ........hugs Jenni x0x0x


Katie Berberich Handmade said...

All the best for 2010 and for the next decade. Wow, what a thorough 10 years you've had! It's amazing how quick life passes by. I agree, enjoy every minute of it. Happy Blogging! xx

Barb Walker said...

Happy New Year Dear Friends.
Hope it is a very prosperous one for all