Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Spots and Stripes

I made this card specifically to fit in with Crafty cardmakers challenge spots and stripes, you can find it here:
I don't get chance to enter a lot of challenges as most of them seem to require stamping, but this one didn't LOL so here is mine, of course I can't make anything without flowers so here is the teardrop flower, the wording was digitally printed, the little frame was from Fern Gully stamps.
Love Jenni xx

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Balloon Rose

This rose, although it has lots of layers, a little painting, and requires a little effort is always worth it when it's finished, would make a perfect flower for a special occasion card, hope you all enjoying making it as much as I do.  I must try and enter more challenges on here, it was so great to get 11 comments on my work instead of the usual 3 or 4
Jenni xx

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

CR84FN colour challenge

Hi everyone, todays inspiration came from CR84FN colour challenge, these are the colours to be used: you can check out the page here:
and here is the card I made using the colours Aqua, Green and Yellow........a fun set of colours eh?

Sorry it's a bit small, but when I enlarge it it goes out of the size of my column, I so wish my son were here he could help me out with this problem lol, but I am technologically challenged!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Sweet peas

This was Pat's choice for this week, when she asked if we could do this one, I said "" sure, I haven't made this one before so that will be great"" what a dill I am, it was one of the biggest challenges I have had in a flower, the centre is made from facial tissue, folded, wet, then glue patted in with the fingers, it was supposed to be painted after it dried, but I thought this may make it too wet again to do on the night, I couldn't buy coloured facial tissues they even make them these days? certainly not in the supermarkets round here, so I had a brainwave and decided to soak them in water to which I added food colouring, patted the glue in.....what a mess!! then because of all this filthy rain we have had here the last week, they have taken over two days to dry....still I got there in the end!!!
Love Jenni xx

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Here is Monday nights lesson, chosen by Jenny........the pansy is a reasonably easy flower to create, there is a fair bit of painting to do on it, and a little shaping, but it comes together quite nicely, I am sure you will enjoy

Jenni xx